Tomb of Moses

Aham Sharif, Bandipur, Kashmir?


The Kashmir valley on the road from Srinagar to Bandipur (57km)

Autumn colours

It all started with and old and odd looking book bought in India ages ago ...

This book, Christ in Kashmir, by Aziz Kashmiri, is an investigation on theories about Jesus Christ, Moses and the Lost tribes of the Jews' travels and settling in the Kashmir valley. It is based on the authors, a non Christians' extensive studies and travels in Kashmir and Ladakh. It comprises many references to prove the argument that Moses and Jesus Christ did visit the Kashmir Valley and that both are buried there. Moses north of the Wular Lake on a "reddish mountain" near Bandipur and Jesus in Srinagar, the capital of the Kashmir province.

P. 27: "There is not only sufficient evidence of the fact that Israelis had settled in Kashmir long ago, but the tomb of Profet Moses is also situated on a mountain, "Booth" in Bandipura (old name Bethpura) Kashmir, near the tomb of Sankt Bibi. The tomb is known commenly as the tomb of Profet Moses for which there is also historical evidence which cannot be ignored whatsoever."

P. 29: "Bethpoer or Bandipur is about 34 miles from Srinagar, from there we proceed to Aham Sharif and then we have to go upto Mount Nebu, in Booth Area, where on this very reddish mountain lies the tomb of Moses. People say that they have never faced famine or any other calamity but have always abundance of food and other commodities in the area."

Christ in Kashmir, by Aziz Kashmiri, Roshni Publicatons, Srinagar, Kashmir 1988.


First glimpse of "reddish mountains"
where the shrine of Moses is situated near the city of Bandipur.

Getting closer: Wular Lake near Bandipur


Internet Treasures

A very interesting article from a Canadian newspaper:
“What happened to Moses?  The Bible admits that Moses never entered the Promised Land of Canaan.  Yemeni and Indian Jews believe that the tomb of Moses is  on the Indus River of modern Pakistan and disputed Kashmir.  Danish archeologists working on the island of Bahrain in “the (Persian) Gulf” have now discovered there was lively trade across the Indian Ocean, using the Monsoons,  from Yemen and Oman to the Indus cultures.  Ships had been sailing this route from at least 3000 BC.  So, Moses as an aged and revered leader of a Jewish population in or near Yemen may have decided to visit India in old age and might well have died there.

Salibi’s ideas, supported by archeology, may explain why Moses never entered Palestine.  Yemeni Jews, like Ethiopian ones, were very nearly forcibly “repatriated” to modern Israel where their traditions were safely submerged beneath orthodoxy, but 50,000 Indian, Pakistani and Kashmiri Jews still exist and revere their “Tomb of Moses.”

A few photos of the alleged tomb of Moses can be found on this site:

Essay on the Tomb of Moses wiht quotes from many scriptures:

The "5th Gospel" about jews in Kashmir etc:

Wikipedia about Moses:




Large military camps are on the road to Bandipur. It is not without risk going there, as the roads are swarming with military. You can expect cheks every now and then, so always bing your passport. There are 700.000 Indian soldiers patrolling all over the Kashmir province and especially in this area, very near the Pakistan border.



Main street

Bandipur main street frenzy ...


... and finally locals who could guide us
in the right direction to the tomb of "Mussa"


Aham Sharif village 4 km north-west of Bandhipur.
Go up the hill to the left and after a two hours walk
you reach the tomb of Moses.


Up hill where Moses is buried ...


Moses is buried 2 hours walk up this reddish hill in direction of the woods. As the sun was setting, it was not possible to go up the same day. Start from Srinagar early morning around  6-7.00 o'clock. There is a 4 hour drive to Aham Sharif and a 4 hour hard trek back and forth. Do not expect to stay over night in Aham Sharif or Bandipur. There are no safe hotels, unless ofcause you know the local people.

A few photos and valuable information on the tomb of Moses can be found on this site:


The local males in all ages in the light of the setting sun,
who knew which way to go to the shrine of "Mussa",
as Moses is called in these areas.

Thanks to the local people ...   created by BP